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Text File | 1994-02-21 | 1.7 KB | 70 lines | [TEXT/RLAB] |
- //
- // BANDRED B = BANDRED(A, KL, KU) is a matrix orthogonally equivalent to A
- // with lower bandwidth KL and upper bandwidth KU
- // (i.e. B(i,j) = 0 if i>j+KL or j>i+KU).
- // The reduction is performed using Householder transformations.
- // If KU is omitted it defaults to KL.
- // This routine is called by RANDSVD.
- // This is a `standard' reduction. Cf. reduction to bidiagonal form
- // prior to computing the SVD. This code is a little wasteful in that
- // it computes certain elements which are immediately set to zero!
- rfile house
- bandred = function(A, kl, ku)
- {
- local(a, beta, flip, j, ltmp, m, n, temp, v, z);
- if(!exist (ku)) { ku = kl; }
- if( kl == 0 && ku == 0 ) {
- error("You've asked for a diagonal matrix. In that case use the SVD!");
- }
- // Check for special case where order of left/right transformations matters.
- // Easiest approach is to work on the transpose, flipping back at the end.
- a = A;
- flip = 0;
- if( ku == 0 )
- {
- a = a';
- temp = kl;
- kl = ku;
- ku = temp;
- flip = 1;
- }
- m = size(a)[1]; n = size(a)[2];
- if( (z=min( [min([m,n]),max([m-kl-1,n-ku-1]) ] )) >= 1 )
- {
- for( j in 1:z )
- {
- if( j+kl+1 <= m )
- {
- ltmp = house( a[j+kl:m; j] );
- beta = ltmp.beta; v = ltmp.v;
- temp = a[j+kl:m; j:n];
- a[j+kl:m; j:n] = temp - beta*v*(v'*temp);
- a[j+kl+1:m; j] = zeros(m-j-kl,1);
- }
- if( j+ku+1 <= n )
- {
- ltmp = house( a[j; j+ku:n]' );
- beta = ltmp.beta; v = ltmp.v;
- temp = a[j:m; j+ku:n];
- a[j:m; j+ku:n] = temp - beta*(temp*v)*v';
- a[j; j+ku+1:n] = zeros(1,n-j-ku);
- }
- }
- }
- if( flip ) {
- a = a';
- }
- return a;
- };